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I grit my teeth
tired of the only two choices being more inaction
hope is a powerful fragile thing
but I am not programmed for blind hope
I am programmed for anger
the world shakes its head and says
“that’s not women’s work… not very mindful, not demure…”
and I say “fuck you, my hope is only served as a side to my rage”
anger is shoved deep within the throats of women
stifled and choked down
god forbid we let it out
don’t show it burning just behind your eyes
don’t let the tears sizzle and steam on your cheeks
be calm
be soft
be gentle and most of all
let your meekness persevere with hope glimmering on its coat tails
fuck that
cough up the anger
slam your fist into the wall
scream at the stars for dimming more and more as this man’s world keeps throwing its light pollution into the sky
the product of a circle jerk of all the billionaires laughing at our demise
your anger is a teacher
one you’ve gagged and shoved into the closet of your chest
a cedar coffin where hope with action goes to die
let anger teach you how to hope with grit
how to hope and do something
when given the choice between hope and despair
burn it all down, the screaming banshee that you are
make them worry about how far your anger will let the fire go