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Feb 05, 2024
In Share Your Writing Here
“I’m a hot girl” (After Chelsea Diane & Jennifer Desert) I’m a hot girl the one you don’t see coming life force, exalted, You’ll remember why you were born; I’m a hot girl, A once-in-forever, cataclysmic, galactic event, my name will become an incantation for your lips & loins; Come to me, thaw out; I’m a secluded cabin in the woods, your rescue from certain death, no longer alone, & lost on the long hike; Come to me, Press your forehead to mine, feel found, feel home, feel it all; If it suits me, I’ll break you           or make you my treasured guest, warm your hands, spoon you, homemade chicken soup, fill you right up, & in; I’m so hot, my cauldron bubbles, steamy visions while I read you Poems, wreck you, rock you again, & again, to your sweetest dreams, passion personified. But Get ready to beg, fall, bruise, achy on all fours, hungry and panting, just to feel the heat of my “ground, surface, (No need to fix my) crown, “Halo of Fire,” I’m a hot girl, go ahead, see what I’ll allow you to taste, touch, make of, your delicious desires: forbidden, taboo, I’ll wake the demons, and the child in you; You’ll believe in magic, moksha, call me your witch, sell your soul       to be under me, my spells. My Sun in Aries ruled by Mars, I’m the storm, in you now & you want me to pass through, the meat & bones of you, and I do, I do. My Venus is in Pisces, so my heart is pure, pulsating Prana. I’ll stop at nothing, to      please, thank you, your welcome; I’m the dreamy beauty of the zodiac fireflies & fairy-dust, so you won’t know you’ve been hypnotized, paralyzed, in my wake; That I’m the Master      Key that unlocks your secrets, sins, devilish whims; I’m a Hot girl with my Moon in Gemini, & Sagittarius rising, rising, splendorous & strong, my appetite long, unquenchable; Watch me suck the cynicism from your pores, swallow your pain, hand it back to you, like Purpose, on purpose; I’m soulful, disarming,       charming, snakes dance around me, shed their skin, begin again, Roam the Earth seeking, craving, lost, without me, like you’ll be; I’m a “no shelf needed bourbon,” smooth, sensual, swallow me, soul-satisfied. I hold myself, no place, or time, can contain me; And All of the elements, make me, partake in me; So hot I’m the origin of Agni: ferox, (Latin-fierce) indomitus, (Latin-untamable) astamátiti; (Greek -unstoppable) My whispers, breath, against your neck, that spot, right there, curious places, you’d dare not go, Until- I hold your hand, or heart, or any small part, & it feels like a lullaby; Until- I split the, my, world for you to taste my cake, so hot, it swells supple, slick with such sweetness, you’re now willing to walk the plank, jump in, get sopping wet, risk, play, pay, any price for me: the antidote to any poison you’ve ever tasted; except for mine, this complex flavor, one you’ll savor, beg for, by the ladle; Come, take me in, I’m your new Savior; Get ready to burn your whole house down, for just the view, feel, of my Light, a true, full rising moon, The Portal to Everywhere you were afraid existed, but secretly hoped did. It does. I do. I’m The Hot Girl who takes you to hell & back & down again, before you cum, up and meet your Destiny, Providence, with & in me. Yes, I’m the hot girl, holding treasure maps to all the hidden places you’ve ever craved, & now never want to leave, So hot you spill over, eager, grateful,        your seeds like pomegranates; And maybe I’ll allow them to slowly trail, drip from my chin, tracing where we’ve been, my tongue licking, hips swaying, or maybe, I’ll just keep you begging, mesmerized, shaking, cracked open, bleeding, A true Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, only I can repair. I am so hot, I’ve stripped naked now, and I’m riding horse back, your lady Godiva, my long, flaxen hair, flowing, glowing in the twilight & you see forever & always, ancient secrets & ancestors, And believe, know, anything’s possible now, as long as you are in my gaze, resting in this new mirror, of my eyes, intoxicated by my reflected visions, All of them- All of me- So hot you can’t look away. I am a hot girl, the one you didn’t see coming. 2/1/24 CK
Feb 02, 2024
In Share Your Writing Here
After Gabrielle Calvocoressi & Jenn Dessert “On my knees, Ananda” Miss you. Would love to walk the dogs with you, over the bridge and past the horse stables. Don’t care about the weather, or who sees us. I’ll walk any pace, wear a mask, keep you safe. Miss you. Would love to hear that belly laugh again- a day on my couch, like blackberries & and a good downpour; Stare at you, while you talk on the telephone, twirl the cord, feel your tones and syllables play hopscotch on my lap; Enter me. Miss you. Would love to drink coffee with you, mix my Black Opium with your salty everything; make split pea soup together, buy sunflowers at the supermarket; show you a proper downward dog, watch you hang a shade perhaps, the way your hands hold a thing, make it fit just so; I want to lie on our backs real close & talk about the moon, and sore knees, Dharmas and possibility, pomegranates & Persephone; Miss you. Would love to lace fingers, and wrap legs; hold weight, and promise and Magic and every last thing- with you, until your hot breath is at my neck; sweat, like a river; singsong like a prayer- and it’s A Reckoning- Wild, but Sure- a déjà vu we memorize- again and again and again. Miss you. Wish you. Wish you could say: “good morning my love,” with a close whisper, sunlight at my back, Your mouth at my shoulder, or anywhere, every morning, any morning. Wish you. Wish you were not just in my heart and skin and mind and marrow and soul and dreams and poems and pocket, But right here- now- this moment, head on my thighs, eyelashes, cheeks, my fingers twirling to the root of you; Or in the woods… Yes-You & my wish come true: Lips & tongues & breath & Trees & More & More You- kissing us back in time, to just our time, sacred and rebellious, where I’m always your witch, and you are always just mine. At sunrise, we go climbing & collecting; gather our lost bits, match them up- like split bark, acorns and stones. At sunset, the dog sighs in his slumber as we moan and sweat, twist like twigs, melt back together, finger the mud, and lick the moon; become a symphony that scatters stars. These days though, I’m just dough, right before the rising, hands and fingers and fists (not yours my love), have all had their way with me. I’ve been kneaded and pulled, slapped, & punched, rolled out and covered up. Miss you. Under this cover, I remain. Still, for now, but breathing, Alive. Whisper my name, and I’ll rise for you, fill your belly, and answer your doubts with my soft, hot center. Open your mouth, remember where you belong. Come; press your forehead next to mine. Raise the heat until I’m baked. Slather me with butter, I promise I’ll drip long & slow. Bite into me, swallow me whole. Revisit your birth & death & rebirth in me; Forget all inconsequentials, & memorize the taste of me. Allow our earthquakes to move us into our next eternity, Amara. Miss you. Come- Let’s you, just sit, right there, in that violet velvet chair. I’ll kneel at your feet, my chin perched, eyes wide, mesmerized, by how ordinary, becomes extraordinary, simply by passing through- your lips; originating from, your “anywhere”- a sentence, a smile, a sneeze, a stare- I’ll stay, on my knees, Pure Ananda, mesmerized by you. 11/15/23 CK
Feb 02, 2024
In Share Your Writing Here
After Jennifer Dessert “How to write when you have nothing to say: Begin with an answer Tell them it felt necessary…” Reading to a little boy, no Mama in sight, wrapping him up tight, especially, when you miss your own; the smell of Mullagatani, just getting started, like you, stove top; lighting your “Long Story Short” candle; they claim it “smells like a tall tale,” but you breathe in the bourbon, mandarin, & vanilla, swirl your new fountain pen, discover your own magic, right there, indelible ink; making it clear, you, your mark, are not removable; Tell them, Taking Virabhadrasana 1, strong, steady, preparing to fold, Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana; a mouthful, sure, but also, a sweet surrender, s t r e c h i n g, aligned, grounded, connecting, inward; your life force, so palpable now, you can hold it, like the warm towel, you roll, prepare, for the basket, for a body in need, for possibility, magic, whatever comes next; Say out the window, look! right there, whipped cream snow, high as your heart, swooping just so, from the eve, like Herbie the Dentist’s enviable coif, or a closing eyelid perhaps; frozen tears, streaming down. Tell them to soften, open; that allowing, what is, to be, just as it is, for now, this moment, is to know, Alive. Say whispers, giggles, secrets, sequoias; giant Oaks that hold, you, your whispers, giggles, secrets; Tell them children’s games, old book stores, a new friend, organic granola, Dragon tattoos & working farms, Say snapdragons & ranunculus, cottages, lockets, & fairy lights; those hand print ornaments, tiny hands suspended in time, like black and white movies; Say home made puff pastry chicken pot pie, home made chocolate brown sugar body scrub, that first bite, of either, of anything, decadent, soul satisfying; Say the way you feel locking eyes, every cell, in sync, for just that moment, rare moments, suspended, bliss-tethered & unbound, worth it, every ache, in between; Tell them sneaking away, alone, remembering, that play list, Findley Lake 2021, Old Dominion’s Hawaii, on repeat, your steps, a metronome, can save a person; Say sticky fingers, sunflowers in the rain, resilient, patient, like the two of you, your golden retriever’s spinning joy, licking the spoon, or anything yummy, dancing, daydreaming, having tea, reading the leaves, or Tarot, with women who speak Poetry & fit, like home, better than home, because they aren’t just the cozy fire, but the ember that ignites the fire, crackles your passion, smells like possibility & dancing sparks; remind you, You can create, “the something” Necessary, to hold on to; Yes, tell them that. CK 1/19/24


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