Found myself in a dream, a vision, almost like a fantasy, knowing that it can be!
Out here feeling the deep passions of life, healing my wounds and letting go of the strife.
Remembering you here with me, together and laughing, so happy and so free
Love that is strong, love that will last,
Living for now, not the future or past
Surrounded by friends who are kind and they care
To them it doesn’t matter how I look or what I wear
What matters is compassion and feeling seen and heard
I mean what I’m writing, every last word.
I feel like I belong here and life is great
I know all of this can happen for me, because of fate!
All this is a dream come true and I’m learning now that I have more than one soulmate.

"I mean what i'm writing, every last word." THANK YOU for sharing and i'm so glad you were able to rewrite this beautiful part of yourself!