It’s interesting how when I’m not doing well,
my cheeks lose a bit of their color, their shape.
A sinking in takes place on my face
like the same sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Food loses its flavor, I lose my own zest and spice.
The color around me dims
as the flavors continue to fade,
yet so many around me say
“wow you look great! You’ve lost weight!”
As if losing some of myself
needs to be given a trophy,
to be encouraged.
It turns out loss leaves room.
Leaves space.
Leaves a cavity to be filled.
It turns out as I made a turn towards myself,
I also made a turn outside of myself.
It turns out the more I allowed myself to be me,
My cheeks became more plump
My belly a bit more full
My breasts a bit more perky
My thighs a bit more thick
My ass a bit more juicy
It turns out
The more I find myself
The more full of myself I become
The more full of myself I become,
The more I connect with
The 12 year old me put on her first 10-day juice cleanse,
The 13 year old me put on weight watchers,
The 14 year old me doing pilates videos every day after school,
The 15 year old me hiding fast food bags in the bottom of the dumpster so my mom won’t find them,
The 16 year old me being told by my parents that my stomach never looked so big,
And so on and so on,
I tell each version of myself
That when we are full
Is when we are fed.
When we are fed,