This week was a heavy one from a collective standpoint. Like a nail in the coffin of a nightmare that is in fact reality. There’s generally a poem read at inauguration, and this time there wasn’t one.
And as much as I want to get angry or run away or both, I also have this deep stubbornness that strength can also be in the softness. In the tender. Call it delusional or maybe it’s divinity.
Either way, it’s our art, what we make from pain, and how we lean into each other, together, that we may not only survive, but surrender to a better future.
I’m anchoring to art. I’m anchoring to the details. I’m anchoring to what makes my heart beat from love rather than fear. I’m anchoring to the little things that might bring me bigger hope.
Deep breaths. Deep sighs. Deep love and a deep need for justice for all of us.
I vote for swaying slowly in the kitchen, humming while flipping Swedish pancakes, silk nighty draping off my body.
I vote for hugs from behind and kisses on the base of my neck.
I vote for the thumping metronome of the little brown dog’s tail on the hardwood floor.
I vote for unlocked doors and sister living next door - walking through unannounced and having tea together.
I vote for thrifted sapphic art collaged across our living room wall.
I vote for leggy house plants that trail in between the hanging art.
I vote for the dust bunnies in the corners welcome to stay if it means I get to sleep in.
I vote for sunny fall days that warms my back and the crisp breeze kisses my cheek.
I vote for long conversations with my 76 year old “aunties” next door who pours us Irish coffee whether we want it or not.
I vote for the mischievous squirrels trying to break into my compost and devoured our jack-o-lanterns.
I vote for the linen dress I wear that lets my belly breathe fully.
I vote for hugging with both arms and letting go last.
I vote for polaroid pictures and handwritten poems plastered on our kitchen fridge.
I vote for late nights spent with bosom friends, wine bottles empty, full bellies and rosy cheeks
I vote for homemade gifts that are imperfectly perfect
I vote for handwritten letters sent with a hummingbird stamp
I vote for the snowfall that insulates the neighborhood like nature’s secrets she’s wants to share with you
I vote for homemade bread wrapped in paper and tied with string
I vote for wails of sorrow soaked into a loved one’s chest
I vote for arms wide open running towards each other to embrace
I vote for airport reunions and divorces finalized held in the same celebration
I vote for snow covered cars wiped off by a silent angel
I vote for statements like “tell me more”, I”’m here”, and “I’m listening”
I vote for duck duck goose played with adults and kids together
I vote for kind airline customer service on a holiday with a cancelled flight and even kinder customers interacting with them
I vote for simmer pots of rosemary, lemon, and orange filling every corner of our home
I vote for contentment
For kindness
For forehead kisses
For sweet dreams
And rich lives lived.