Starting from the dark
A place I was so deeply afraid of
Starting from a place that's uncomfortable
A place so cold it causes my bones to ache,
to chatter
My bones talk among themselves in the dark
I can't think of a better place to start than in the dark
To emerge into the world again after all that I saw, felt,
heard, touched, and smelled in the dark.
Looking at my own shadows and blind spots
Listening to each bone that aches and nurturing self,
Giving her what she needs as she lets me know what that is.
I had been walking around this earth for 21 years, from the day I became a woman, at age 12, until I was 33 years old...
I felt like I was walking in the dark
Once my body wasn't 'just a girl' anymore and I was now a woman...and all I really knew in my core was that I am a spirit with a body
The first time I dropped into my body as a woman
I was 33 years old and my open and broken heart told me how safe I truly am inside my body.
Starting from the dark is how we enter the world for the first time
It's nature
It's natural to start from the dark
And I am nature.
I wrote “my bones talk amongst themselves in the dark” after you said it cause DANG what a good line Krystle!
An. I. am. Nature. LOVE!